Ttc Bus Driving Straight From Marked Right Turn Lane
Yesterday at 3:45pm I was W/B on Queens Queen at Yonge Street. Traffic was heavy and I was stopped on the east side of the intersection waiting to proceed so I would not be blocking the intersection. When there was space for me to proceed, I did and a car travelling E/B decided it would try to turn left. In order to avoid a low speed collision, I maneuvered my vehicle around the front end to proceed.
At this point a TTC bus decided to proceed straight from the right hand turn lane (clearly marked) and struck the right front quarter panel of my vehicle at the pedestrian crossing on the west side of the intersection.
My question this a contravention of HTA 144(9) or something else?
The bus was clearly in a right hand turn lane and proceeded straight through the intersection. The supervisor even told me that they would never get back into traffic without changing lanes in the intersection. Clearly another HTA violation. Any help would be greatly appreciated. TYIA