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Bbcode Usage

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 10:15 pm
by racer

We allow the use of BBCode on our forum. This page is to explain how to use BBCode properly, to assist with formatting of your replies/posts. Even if you know how to use BBCode already, there still might be some information useful to you here. I will use "Ontario Highway Traffic Act" to show what each feature does.

Generally speaking, BBCode is similar to HTML. To format a piece of text, you put the formatting keyword in square brackets ([]) prior to the text you want to format (this is called a TAG), and when you are done with your text, place the same formatting keyword, preceded by a terminating forward slash (/), in square brackets (called CLOSING TAG).

Code: Select all

[BBCode feature]Your text here[/BBCode feature]

See examples for detailed illustration.

Note: I use capital lettering in BBCode, but you do not have to. See example for "Bold" for details.


Code: Select all

[B]Ontario Highway Traffic Act[/B]

Code: Select all

[b]Ontario Highway Traffic Act[/b]


Ontario Highway Traffic Act


Code: Select all

[I]Ontario Highway Traffic Act[/I]


Ontario Highway Traffic Act


Code: Select all

[U]Ontario Highway Traffic Act[/U]


Ontario Highway Traffic Act

Text Size

You can use any size from 1 to 30. Please do not make your messages in font too large. Size 18 should be more than big enough to highlight whatever you want. Making text too small so that noone can read it is not a good idea either. Size refers to height of text, so size 12 (the size that is default on the forum) is 12 pixels tall.

Code: Select all

[SIZE=18]Ontario Highway Traffic Act[/SIZE]


Ontario Highway Traffic Act

Text Colour

Note: you must use american-style "COLOR" instead of British-style "COLOUR". You can use the following colour codes (In no particular order): RED, GREEN, BLUE, CYAN, MAGENTA, YELLOW, PINK, MAROON, GRAY, ORANGE, VIOLET, PURPLE, & more.

Code: Select all

[COLOR=BLUE]Ontario Highway Traffic Act[/COLOR]


Ontario Highway Traffic Act

There are more colours that you can use. If the colour you wish to use is not available, you may also enter the colour with its RGB valuse in hexadecimal format, preceded by a pound sign "#". RGB means Red, Green, Blue. There are 256 values for each of the 3 major colours. Thus colour #FF0000 has 256 of Red, 0 of Green, and 0 of Blue = pure RED. So, for example, if I wanted to use the colour that is not on the list, for example 0A4C54 (which is dark seawater colour) I can use:

Code: Select all

[COLOR=#0A4C54]Ontario Highway Traffic Act[/COLOR]


Ontario Highway Traffic Act

Wikipedia has a nice list of hexadecimal RGB values at, or you can experiment with your own colours until you get it just right. Make sure to use the "Preview" feature when you are using a named colour that is not on the list, because if BBCode does not support it, your message will not have any colour, and BBCode wil show. For example, syntactically correct BBCode with unsupported colour looks like there is no colour formatting done to it.

Code: Select all

[COLOR=RUST]Ontario Highway Traffic Act[/COLOR]


Ontario Highway Traffic Act

Which has no custom colouring. So I should have used COLOR=#B7410E here.

Named URL referral

Code: Select all




Which will take you to when you click on OHTA above.

Plain URL referral

Code: Select all



Note: You do not need to use Plain URL referral to link to other site, the forum engine will do it for you automatically.


Code: Select all

[QUOTE="USER"]Ontario Highway Traffic Act[/QUOTE]


USER wrote:Ontario Highway Traffic Act

Note that username (USER, as I used) must be in quotes(""). If there are no quotation marks, your message will be displayed as follows:

USER wrote:Ontario Highway Traffic Act

This feature can be abused. There will be no tolerance if anyone maliciously misquotes any other forum user.


Sometimes you may wish to post some BBCode or HTML code within your message for other people to use. One way is using Quotes, an easier one is to use CODE.

Code: Select all

[code]Ontario Highway Traffic Act


Code: Select all

Ontario Highway Traffic Act


Code: Select all




Clickable Images

Code: Select all




Which you can click, and it will take you to

Mixing BBCode together

Sometimes you may want to use more than one formatting method on the same piece of text, as I have done in this post numerous times. To do so, you can start with the 1-st one you want to use, and follow with the 2-nd, and so on. Make sure to close the tags in REVERSE order.

Example: I want to write something in MAROON colour, BOLDED, ITALICIZED, UNDERLINED, with text size 16. Note that the order does not matter as long as you have the closing tags in proper order, the result will be the same.

Code: Select all

[COLOR=MAROON][B][I][U][SIZE=16]Ontario Highway Traffic Act[/SIZE][/U][/I][/B][/COLOR]

[SIZE=16][COLOR=MAROON][U][B][I]Ontario Highway Traffic Act[/I][/B][/U][/COLOR][/SIZE]


Ontario Highway Traffic Act Ontario Highway Traffic Act

I hope that this post has been an informative and interesting read for you. Make sure to use the "Preview" feature before submitting your post, to see any errors that might have creeped up into your BBCode!

Happy posting!