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Red Light Camera - Stopped Then Reversed

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 12:05 pm
by tourist1

Being a tourist over here from the UK and driving a rental, I'd appreciate some advice. Back on the 28th came up to a red light in the centre of Toronto and applied brakes but just slid through before stopping just after line but don't think I entered the intersection proper. Was definitely flashed. Was icy that morning. Immediately reversed up as nothing was behind me then went on green. Now is this a ticketable offence ?.

In the UK such cameras take one pix when you cross the line on red and another a second later to prove you are continuing but I don't know if it's the same here.

Is there a local office (staying near Malton, ON) I can visit tomorrow or telephone to plead my case or find out about this as I'd like to get this cleared up before I fly back to the UK tomorrow rather than them just hitting my credit card with a few hundred dollars by default via the rental agency.

Apprecate any assist with this.

Re: Red Light Camera - Stopped Then Reversed

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:22 pm
by Stanton

Unfortunately there isnt anything you can do until a ticket is issued, at which time you'd have to go to Court and fight the charge.

Re: Red Light Camera - Stopped Then Reversed

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:48 pm
by Radar Identified

The cameras snap two pictures, one showing you crossing the stop line, the other showing you proceeding through the intersection. If you'd basically stopped on the crosswalk, they might let it go, although I wouldn't count on it. The rental car company will get the fine and bill your credit card. If you were to contest this, you'd have to notify the rental car company, then either hire someone here to fight it for you, or fight it yourself (don't think you want to come all the way over from the UK to fight a $325 ticket).