Red Light Ticket - Mississauga
I have three questions.
1. The notice didn't use my full name, does that make it invalid? My full name has two middle names, like many catholic females. My second middle name is missing on the fine. All my government issued ID/cards has my full name of four words.
2. The photo is very dark. It looks like my car is over the white line in the first photo, and the camera says the red light had been red for 000.3 seconds before I entered the intersection. You can't even see my front tire, it's just not there, nor is my fender, as it's that dark. Is this a valid photo? Or is my copy suppose to be of poorer quality?
3. The fine says the intersection I'm at is Derry Rd and rexwood rd/netherbrae rd. I looked at Google maps, and netherbrae is not part of that intersection. It doesn't even connect to either of the roads I was on or crossing over. You have to take rexwood to another two roads to get access to netherbrae Rd. Why does it say 3 roads and is that valid?
This is my first fine (I'm ticket free) and the price will put me in financial trouble for months. Any help advice is greatly appreciated.