
Failure To Stop At A Yellow Light

Author: CallmeVernon

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Failure To Stop At A Yellow Light

Unread post by CallmeVernon »

Got a ticket last night for failing to stop at a yellow light I was within the point of no return and decided to keep going and got pulled over and givin a failure to stop at a yellow light. At first the officer was going to give me a red light ticket then came back with a yellow light ticket. The light I went through went from green to yellow to red very quick I was about a car length from the line from it turning yellow to red I felt it was safer for me to continue through a officer was behind me and pulled me over right after I went through the light just wondering if I can fight it or not. I even have a dash camera in my truck to prove how fast the light turned from green to yellow to red.

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Re: Failure To Stop At A Yellow Light

Unread post by argyll »

If you were unable to stop in safety then you can continue through. if you are physically able to stop in safety then you are required to do so. You will need to be able to demonstrate that you had no other option but to continue through.

Former Ontario Police Officer. Advice will become less relevant as the time goes by !
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