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Need Help Fast :(

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:10 pm
by jpkl

I have to go to court tomorow morning for driving with a suspended licence and wreckless driving which is a criminal offence. I had a court date set jan 26 my lawyer went on my behalf and obtain the legal documents and notes and set an appointment for me feb 17 to review my file. But after several attempts for contact non was ever made. it was through a third party I heard he was off on temporary leave and what lawer was taking on his cases. So I contacted the lawyer and he e-mailed me back late lastnight stating he could not take on my case. what can I do now ???

I have never been In a situation like this and have no clue on what steps to take and or what the whole proccess is. I will be making a lager post explaing the whole story of what happened on a later day as it will be a great story to share and for others to learn from.

Re: Need Help Fast :(

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:11 pm
by jpkl

Sorry for the bad spelling everyone I'm really stressed out and can't think straight.

What Happens At Your Second Appearance Can It Be Remanded?

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:44 pm
by jpkl

Due to lack of legal representation can I have my second appearance remanded? Please read my other post as to why I have no legal council :(

Re: Need Help Fast :(

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:25 pm
by hwybear
jpkl wrote:I have to go to court tomorow morning for driving with a suspended licence and wreckless driving which is a criminal offence. .

There is no such thing as reckless driving in Ontario.

Is this "careless driving" (HTA) or "Dangerous Driving" (criminal code) ???

FYI...This forum does not deal with any criminal incidents

Re: Need Help Fast :(

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:02 pm
by jpkl

Sorry It was dangerous however I did also get a ticket for driving under suspension which this forum does cover. I went to court myself and spoke with duty council and I was able to remand my case 2 weeks to reobtain legal council.

Re: Need Help Fast :(

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 6:22 pm
by hwybear

HTA infractions are merged into the Criminal Court for the same incident, therefore this thread is being moved into the criminal area, and being locked