
Become An Moderator! Apply Here.

Author: admin

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Become An Moderator! Apply Here.

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Dear Members, is looking for members who are interested in being a Moderator!

Who should apply to become an Moderator?

1. You have been an active member on for some time and have great Posts to show it!

2. You only offer information to the best of your knowledge, and you enjoy offering help and support to other members.

3. You are a Knowledgeable Person in the areas of Law, Highway Traffic Act, Policing, Courts, and/or other relevant fields.

4. You are a Volunteer and Caring person by nature, and you enjoy helping others, and want others to genuinely benefit from using

5. You are a Conversation Starter.

If you think you are a fit, please don’t hesitate to apply for a Moderator position.

Contact Admin via PM to start your application process.

To apply please send an email to Admin with the following information:

1. Why do you want to become a moderator on

2. What relevant skills or background experience, knowledge, about the Highway Traffic Act and fighting traffic traffics (explain your experience if any) do you have?

3. To your knowledge is there any reasons you might have any conflicts of interest that you can foresee?

4. You understand this is a Volunteer position, and we require personal contact information such as your full name, best personal email, and best phone number for emergency cases.

Thank you,


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