Help With Disclosure Plz!
Hi everyone, I am super happy to have found this group!
I am in the midst of figuring out a speeding ticket of my own and was hoping someone might help me out. I was stopped for going 87 in a 60 zone and I have a trial date coming up in about a week. I requested for disclosure and after looking it over the only detail that seem to be missing (at least as far as I can tell) is that the officer did not check off which radar/laser he used to capture my speed. It does note the before and after test times however. I have requested for additional disclosure, asking specifically for which radar/laser had been used by the officer at that time and am still waiting for that information. I am wondering if anyone knows whether the lack of that information can be used as grounds to fight this ticket? I have also attached a couple of pictures of the original disclosure, is there anything there that my inexperienced eyes are not seeing that might potentially help me?
Thank you in advance for reading this and for any helpful tips/answers!
- Attachments
- 0006.jpg (243.2 KiB) Viewed 2933 times
- 0005.jpg (252.08 KiB) Viewed 2933 times
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