
Reinstate Driver Licence Suspended Because Of Medical Issue

Author: luccanada

Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Aug 16, 2020 8:55 pm

Reinstate Driver Licence Suspended Because Of Medical Issue

Unread post by luccanada »

My driver license status is Medical Suspension.

Now my medical issue is resolved . and my doctor validated it , but the ministry of transportation still required me to go through the "functional assessment centres for drivers" .

Now "functional assessment centres for drivers" failed my road test and now also refused to continue to train me after 2 sessions.although I do not agree with them.

So now I think the only way to get back my driver licence is going through the Licensing Appeal process. What I can get is just the doctor's judgement.I never see the letter contents the doctor sent to "the ministry of transportation ", but I guess the contents maybe just said need to re-evaluate . It is enough for me to go ahead with the Licensing Appeal process to "file an appeal with the Licence Appeal Tribunal.? and how about the success rate ?



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