
Medical Suspension Due To Medical Condition Reported

Author: GJCL1964

Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Nov 17, 2021 3:43 pm

Medical Suspension Due To Medical Condition Reported

Unread post by GJCL1964 »

In 2019 I was in a sever accident, I was charged with careless. The doctor said there was alcohol in my system and due to me being in a commercial vehicle, he had to report it. Upon eventual discharge from the hospital awhile later, I received a letter at home from MTO advising that my license had been suspended due to an alcohol disorder. Considering that it was going to take approximately a year to fully recover, I did not pursue reinstating my license until the fall of 2020. I had numerous forms to have my family doctor fill out, which he did. Then the MTO said that I needed to show that I was alcohol free for a minimum of one year and to go into a treatment facility. I fulfilled the treatment even though there has never been a discussion with my family doctor regarding alcohol and have always had healthy reviews other then diabetes and hypertension. I have a doctor on paper stating that I should have my license reinstated and I am planning an appeal. My questions are, can the MTO randomly put a timeline of one year in place? Do I not have the right to know who has indicated that there is an alcohol disorder? My family doctor has stated that he never wrote to the MTO. I have fulfilled all obligations set out by the medical review board except for the alcohol free for a year because all healthcare professionals says there is no way to verify that, other then babysitting me.

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