
Improper Left Turn On Old Stock Yard & W Toronto Street

Author: greekdiplomat

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Improper Left Turn On Old Stock Yard & W Toronto Street

Unread post by greekdiplomat »

I got my first traffic ticket (after two parking tickets out of which one was cleared) after a year of getting my G2 license. I feel fairly confident that I'm not guilty. The officer said that it was a T intersection, and I was bumper to bumper to the car ahead of me. According to him, I should've waited for him to pass (he was on the other side of the T lane). My side of the story - I was in the left turn lane, had my left turn signal on, checked for pedestrians, and finally checked for incoming traffic on the other lane. I felt I could take a turn and so I did. I feel maybe the officer was approaching a little fast.

What would be the best course of action here? Should I go for an early resolution or ask for a trial? Also, do the police have a recording of the offense since they have a cam on the dashboard? If so, can I check this recording before the trial so that I have my best defense ready?

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Re: Improper Left Turn On Old Stock Yard & W Toronto Street

Unread post by bend »

I don't think they'd have much to offer you at an early resolution meeting. There's not much they can do to reduce this particular charge.

Police dashcams in Ontario aren't as common as you might think. The majority of cases will not have video evidence simply because there isn't any.

If you do want to see any evidence, you'll have to make what they call a disclosure request. You're basically just filling out a form and submitting it. There is no official form. You can make your own or you can just use one provided to you. Must municipalities have their own generic form you can fill out available on their website.

For Toronto, here is the website.

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Re: Improper Left Turn On Old Stock Yard & W Toronto Street

Unread post by greekdiplomat »

bend wrote: Mon Jan 02, 2023 3:02 pm

I don't think they'd have much to offer you at an early resolution meeting. There's not much they can do to reduce this particular charge.

Police dashcams in Ontario aren't as common as you might think. The majority of cases will not have video evidence simply because there isn't any.

If you do want to see any evidence, you'll have to make what they call a disclosure request. You're basically just filling out a form and submitting it. There is no official form. You can make your own or you can just use one provided to you. Must municipalities have their own generic form you can fill out available on their website.

For Toronto, here is the website.

Would you recommend going for a trial then?

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Re: Improper Left Turn On Old Stock Yard & W Toronto Street

Unread post by bend »

I'd recommend doing whatever you're comfortable with.

If you want to request an early resolution, you can do that. If you don't like what you hear, you still have an opportunity to request a trial.

You can also request a trial and hope for some lucky break along the way. Note, you'll also go through the early resolution process when you appear for your trial.

As far as valid arguments go, you don't really have one from what I'm reading. It's the duty of the person who is making the left to make sure the move can be done so in safety. Anyone with the right of way shouldn't have to alter their driving to accommodate your maneuver. Otherwise, you run of the risk of being charged.

A conviction is also still a conviction. Even if there was some reduced offer to be made, it's not going to change anything regarding your insurance. Insurance companies divide all convictions into three categories. They are minor, major, and serious. Anything within in a category is treated equally. Your charge is considered minor. Exchanging one minor offense for another minor offense doesn't change insurance implications.

At the very least, you could request a trial, make a disclosure request, and just show up. If they're ready to proceed, you can always plead guilty.

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Re: Improper Left Turn On Old Stock Yard & W Toronto Street

Unread post by greekdiplomat »

I have my hearing tomorrow. I'm planning to plead guilty to get some reduction in the fee and maybe demerit points too. Can I still request to meet the prosecutor before the court? Does it make any difference if I attend it in-person.

The notice of trial mentioned both the Zoom meeting link and the physical address. Then below they had this comment - The prosecutor, a witness or a justice of the peace may participate in the trial by electronic method. If your matter is scheduled by electronic method and you are unable to participate y this method, you must contact the court office. It means I can attend online, right?

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