
Ticket Doesn't Have Specific Location Of Offence

Author: cfpb

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Ticket Doesn't Have Specific Location Of Offence

Unread post by cfpb »

I received at ticket on highway 60 last summer. The officer was traveling in the opposite direction when he measured my speed using rear antenna radar. I asked him where the offence took place. He said about 1 km back from where he stopped me. On the ticket it just gives the township and the highway. In his notes it doesn't say anything more about the location. His estimate of 1 km away helps my case based on d= v x t. 2 questions.

1. does the ticket need to give a more precise location for the charge to be valid?

2. If by using speeds and times that the place of the infraction could not possibly have been where he said it was ( 1 km away form where I was stopped) will that be enough to raise the reasonable doubt required to have the charge dismissed?

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Re: Ticket Doesn't Have Specific Location Of Offence

Unread post by bend »

cfpb wrote:1. does the ticket need to give a more precise location for the charge to be valid?

If you're asking whether "1km north of ..." needs to be listed next to the street on your ticket, it doesn't. Disclosure will have a more detailed spot.

cfpb wrote:2. If by using speeds and times that the place of the infraction could not possibly have been where he said it was ( 1 km away form where I was stopped) will that be enough to raise the reasonable doubt required to have the charge dismissed?

I'd suggest you wait for disclosure and take it from there.

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Re: Ticket Doesn't Have Specific Location Of Offence

Unread post by bend »

cfpb wrote:In his notes it doesn't say anything more about the location.

Oops. I didn't realize it, but it sounds like you already received disclosure and it wasn't of much help.

I'd suggest you not build a case of calculations based solely on what the officer had stated that day. Without having anything to back up the conversation ever taking place, your argument can vanish into thin air rather quickly.

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