
Wrong Address

Author: EphOph

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Wrong Address

Unread post by EphOph »

When the court sends out the notice of trial, do they use the address the officer wrote on the ticket, or the actual address in the MTO database? In the case of the former, what are the implications? The reason I ask is that my wife got a ticket last week and the officer wrote the wrong city on it.

This topic discusses the same thing but with CN police; is it any different for regular offences?

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Re: Wrong Address

Unread post by jsherk »

What you can do is send a fax to the CLERK of the COURT at the Provincial Offences office and just clarify what address you want all correspondence to be sent to (include the ticket number).

If they send it to the wrong address and you don't get it, then you will get convicted because you did not know about the trial and then you have to apply for a re-opening in order to set a new trial date which is just more work for you.

+++ This is not legal advice, only my opinion +++
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Re: Wrong Address

Unread post by EphOph »

Thanks jsherk I will do that to ensure due diligence, and also tell the clerk when I file it for trial (the ticket specifies it must be in person - no mail-in option).

On a side note, wouldn't the whole reopening process increase the chance of 11b? Or does that time not count?

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Re: Wrong Address

Unread post by jsherk »

I am not sure about the 11b as whether it would help that or not. Somebody with more experience with 11B's will have to answer that.

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Re: Wrong Address

Unread post by UnluckyDuck »

When you submit the request for trial, they send it to the address listed on that form. I was issued 2 tickets with the incorrect address (license said my old address even though I changed it with MTO. They wouldn't issue me a new license because the old one was expiring.), and when I filled out the Notice to Appear, I put in the new address and my trial dates were mailed to that address.

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Re: Wrong Address

Unread post by EphOph »

I haven't heard of the Intention to Appear form before. With all of the tickets I've done it's always been tick option 3 and mail it in. Filed it yesterday and the clerk typed the correct address on the form.

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Re: Wrong Address

Unread post by UnluckyDuck »

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