
Red Light - Fail To Stop

Author: t3ch9

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Re: Red Light - Fail To Stop

Unread post by Stanton »

t3ch9 wrote:[Yes but traffic lights are technology and can have malfunctions. Which is what I think the paralegal was trying to tell me he wanted to argue.

My experience is that most officers will make observations of the light after a traffic stop. Theyll typically watch it for a few cycles to ensure its functioning correctly and time the lights. If they didnt you might have a possible defence strategy. Until you get disclosure though its just a guessing game.

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Re: Red Light - Fail To Stop

Unread post by bend »

t3ch9 wrote:No, I don't. I got the ticket less than a week ago, still gotta file it.

You don't have any details regarding your stop and neither does the guy you went to. You have no idea what the officer did or did not do. One line in the notes saying "observed lights -working correctly" and that's the end of it (not that it would have gotten you anywhere anyways).

Get your disclosure package and go from there. Until then you can just relax. By your posts its obvious that you're stressed over the situation. In the grand scheme of things, this is a minor offense. It's definitely not the end of the world. There's no need to cancel your insurance or blow up your car. Even if you're convicted, see how how your insurance provider responds and go from there.

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Re: Red Light - Fail To Stop

Unread post by bobajob »

exactly what Argyll says

t3ch9 wrote:
argyll wrote:If this is your first ticket then the insurance hit shouldn't be too extreme. Another one would be significant however.

Yes but the thing is I don't even drive much.

I'm 21 years old currently, turning 22 this year.

The whole reason my dad is paying for my insurance is because he wants it so by the time i turn 25, i get a cheap insurance. This isn't going to happen now if this ticket stays on my record because I won't have 5 years of clean driving history. That's why I'm kind of nervous.

Also what paralegals do you guys recommend.

I heard are good? Do you guys know anything about them?

So far the options I have are,, OTTLegal, Redline?

Any suggestions?

* NO you cant touch your phone
* Speeding is speeding
* Challenge every ticket
* Impaired driving, you should be locked up UNDER the jail
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Re: Red Light - Fail To Stop

Unread post by screeech »

If there were a malfunction with the lights being out of sync, there would have been an accident or two because of it. That defence is not likely to work.

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Re: Red Light - Fail To Stop

Unread post by t3ch9 »

screeech wrote:If there were a malfunction with the lights being out of sync, there would have been an accident or two because of it. That defence is not likely to work.

It was a small intersection, there necessarily doesn't have to be a crash if the lights are malfunctioning, drivers are perfectly capable of knowing on their own when to hit the breaks.

Anyways, I'm having trouble trusting paralegals right now

-> One tells me 60% chance of getting it dropped without even knowing - officer name/disclosure

-> One tells me 80% chance of getting it dropped without even knowing - officer name/disclosure

-> Another tells me most likely he will get it dropped, again without knowing the following info

I am thinking about going with OTTLegal - Scarborough because I got the ticket in Scarborough and they will most likely be the best when it comes to Scarborough courts since they deal with those cases a lot.

Anyone have any alternative suggestions? I'm having tons of trust issues with paralegals now, they all seem to be feeding me bs just to take my money.

If anyone knows anyone whose actually good, please post suggestions.

I understand i should wait for disclosure first, but I wanna start searching for paralegals now because I don't want to end up doing it last minute when i get disclosure. Rather start the search right now and then I will hire them once I get the disclosure.

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