
Clear Plate Covers

Author: UnluckyDuck

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Clear Plate Covers

Unread post by UnluckyDuck »

I know the topic of plate covers has come up more than once, so it got me thinking. If I was to buy a clear plate cover ( ... late+cover), that was untinted, and does not obscure any part of the plate, would it still be illegal.


The plates I have on my car are my original plates I've had since I was 16. For Nostalgic reasons, I would like to keep the plates as long as I can, but due to weathering, they are starting to bubble.

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Re: Clear Plate Covers

Unread post by bend »

If an officer has a problem with it, there's nothing stopping him from charging you.

Maybe it glares at certain angles...

It gives off a weird reflection at night with the plate light...

The pits from rock chips are starting to take a toll on the clarity...

The plastic is starting to yellow with age...

For the most part though, you're probably not going to have a problem with it.

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Re: Clear Plate Covers

Unread post by bobajob »

your not supposed to have anything covering your license plates, otherwise it's a ticket (MArketplace did an article on it)

that said, everyone has them,

I suspect if the LEO can CLEARLY see your plate you'd be ok. If the LEO needs a reason to stop you they have it ;)

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Re: Clear Plate Covers

Unread post by screeech »

One big problem with the clear covers is some people put the validation sticker on the plate cover, not physically on the plate itself, as it should certainly can get a ticket for that...If the plate cover is in good shape you should have no problems with it.

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Re: Clear Plate Covers

Unread post by Stanton »

I find the biggest problem with clear plate covers is in the winter. When your car is dirty and salt stained, you cant make out the plate at all. With a bare plate you can at least see the embossed letters even if its covered in salt. Also, even if you take your car through a wash, I find dirt tends to build up in the gap between the cover and the plate. You have to physically remove the cover and wash it periodically to clean the inside, which nobody ever does.

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