
Driving Without Bumper Covers?

Author: Zombotomy

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Driving Without Bumper Covers?

Unread post by Zombotomy »

Hello. I was wondering if it was illegal to drive without bumper covers and a hood? I need to respray my bumpers and hood but can't finish it in one weekend. I did the find anything in the traffic act myself. Just that bumpers must be affixed. Didn't see anything about just the plastic covers.

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Re: Driving Without Bumper Covers?

Unread post by bend »

You'll find your answer in the Ontario Safety Inspection Regulations.

The answer is no, you can't drive without a bumper or hood. Your vehicle would be considered unsafe.

Front bumper is always required and has to be in good operating condition (eg: no exposed sharp edges, collapsed portions, etc.).

If you hit a pedestrian, the idea is that there's a bumper to absorb most of the impact. It's not in their interest to be hit on an unfinished portion of a vehicle that may leave them exposed to sharp edges. That and they don't want to end up tangled in your engine bay because you have no hood.

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