
Transport Trucks And 400 Series Highways


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Transport Trucks And 400 Series Highways

Unread post by SUSTAINME_CA »

Morning all.

I'm a commuter, I travel into Toronto daily, so I've seen quite a bit of interesting things from cars and trucks a like.

What I'm interested to find out or garner some discuss is as follows; Transport trucks on our highways, rules governing them, lanes of use...

First off, I understand the GTA has the most heavily used highways in all of North America. With respect to the Highway traffic act - I'm not sure where this fits, however this was cut and paste directly from ... road.shtml "On multi-lane freeways, trucks longer than 6.5 metres cannot use the far-left lane. Instead they must use the lane immediately to the right (middle lane) to pass slower vehicles."

My question is: 401 through the GTA has core/ express and collector lanes, I see trucks using just about every lane except the far left lane in the express. Does this rule not apply to the far left lane in the collectors as well? I understand if you are using this lane to merge into the express. Every day, I see transport trucks using 6-7 lanes of the 8 express & collector lanes. I understand all too well the volume of traffic during rush hour, I'm in it. Please help, if they use all of these lanes due to the volume of traffic - why can we not look at limiting transport trucks on these highways at peak traffic periods? Also what happen to limiting trucks to a maximum of 105km's on our roads?

I would appreciate any insight or feedback.

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Re: Transport Trucks And 400 Series Highways

Unread post by Stanton »

I don't believe it applies to collector lanes. In the express lanes there are signs posted typically on every other overpass indicating no trucks in the left lane.

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Re: Transport Trucks And 400 Series Highways

Unread post by hwybear »

I dont think it applies to collector lanes either...just by the words "far left lane" as the far left would mean in the express and be Lane # 1...the collector left lane might be Lane # 4 in that same direction of travel (lanes numbered left to right), therefore still 3 more lanes to the left of that collector

Speed limiters - vast majority do have the speed limiter working.....adding those to cars would help too with the aggressive lane cutters

Above is merely a suggestion/thought and in no way constitutes legal advice or views of my employer.
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Re: Transport Trucks And 400 Series Highways

Unread post by Reflections »

hwybear wrote:Speed limiters - vast majority do have the speed limiter working.....adding those to cars would help too with the aggressive lane cutters

Come now bear, that would cause grid lock! :D OR
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Re: Transport Trucks And 400 Series Highways

Unread post by HighMileJon »

Our Country is so dependant on transport trucks that limiting their usage along the main transportation sector of our province (400 series highways) will never happen.

Look up the statistics on transportation of goods in Canada.

The food you ate last night, the shirt you're wearing, the chair you're sitting on, the keyboard you're typing with all was likely in the back of a transport truck at some point.

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