Re: 69 in a 50 downhill. yea, 60 in 40 is fine. not in a school zone, I never said that. so check YOUR attitude.
actually the cop weas so ignorant he wouldn't even let me spe…
Re: 69 in a 50 downhill. it is fine for people who actually drive regularly. 401? everyone does 120 in 100, 80km highways, everyone does 100km. 60? everyone does 80. 50? ever…
Re: 69 in a 50 downhill. well, you can't have 20km over be fine one day, the next not (especially on hills) just because you need to make a quota. If you can't catch actual sp…
69 in a 50 downhill. so got fined with 69km in a 50km, at bottom of hill...didn't even have foot on the gas. first ticket ever in over 10 years of driving. fine was 62$ an…