
'be Spoken To'?

Author: burgersgirl

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'be Spoken To'?

Unread post by burgersgirl »

Hi folks,

We (I am acting as someone's agent) are going to court in near future. It is not a trial as the prosecutor said he would change it to be spoken to, and that we'd have the option to plead guilty, request another adjournment, or to agree to set a trial date from this point.

I am not familiar with the term 'be spoken to'... any help on what we should expect?

Does this mean to be spoken to by JP? Crown?

Thanks for any help.

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Unread post by Reflections »

Is this a "First Attendance" meeting? OR
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'be Spoken To'?

Unread post by burgersgirl »

Not sure if it is First Attendance - was hoping someone here has heard of this and could tell me.

I've never been to court and don't know what to expect.

If it is first attendance, what should I expect? From other posts I can expect the prosecutor will ask us to plead guilty or possibly take plea bargain but aside from that (if we say no), what happens then? Just wait for our turn to speak with the JP and state in plain english that we intend to look into cost of getting legal representation and go to trial but we don't have a lawyer yet and request another adjournment? That simple? Will the JP or Crown ask on what basis are we fitting the ticket?

The incident is at following link:

Thanks for any help.

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'be Spoken To'?

Unread post by burgersgirl »

I just spoke to him on the phone when speaking with him about my request for disclosure - it was then when he told me the options that we now have when we come to court 'to be spoken to' (on date that was originally set for trial).

Sounds like this will be a FA meeting... if so does that mean we don't go in front of JP even if we state we want to set trial date?


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Unread post by Reflections »

burgersgirl wrote:Sounds like this will be a FA meeting... if so does that mean we don't go in front of JP even if we state we want to set trial date?

No JP just chat with the Crown.....what do you have what does he/she have. Do you want to go with this offer......yadda, yadda. How are your bargaining skills? OR
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Re: 'be Spoken To'?

Unread post by Reflections »

burgersgirl wrote:I would like to properly address the Crown - - is it also "Your Worship?"

Thank you!

Your half truthfulness..........JK

The Crown is the Crown, Mr or Mrs whatever. OR
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