
Heavy And/or Farm Equipment And Snow Removal Equipment

Author: oopsie

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Heavy And/or Farm Equipment And Snow Removal Equipment

Unread post by oopsie »

I've heard a lot of different views or opinions on this subject and was wondering what the truth is...

Is it true that you don't need a driver's license to do snow removal with equipment (no trucks)?

By equipment I mean loaders, graders, dozers, bobcats, holders, tractors, etc.

One officer I asked couldn't find it. But said you HAD to be 16 so...

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Driver Qualifications

HTA 32, 37, Reg. 340/94 Criminal Code of Canada 253, 254, 259

A driver's licence is not required to drive a tractor or a SPIH on, along or across a road. Drivers must be 16 or older to drive on, or along, a road. Drivers under 16 are only allowed to drive a tractor or SPIH directly across a road.

A person who has been prohibited from operating a "vehicle" by the courts, for impaired driving under the Criminal Code of Canada is prohibited from operating farm equipment on any road or in a public place.

Above is merely a suggestion/thought and in no way constitutes legal advice or views of my employer.
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Unread post by oopsie »

Thank you and hope this is useful for some others as well.

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