Highway Traafic Ticket
I hope I did this correctly
Here is the link
http://s888.photobucket.com/albums/ac86 ... snotes.jpg- Radar Identified
- High Authority
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- Joined: Mon Sep 08, 2008 8:26 pm
- Location: Toronto
What I can gather from the notes (perhaps hwybear or OPS Copper can correct my mistakes):
- Patrol highway 401 westbound west of Toronto Road in lane 3.
- Observed Target Motor Vehicle (TMV) in lane 1 at high rate of speed (HRS)
- I activated rear antenna
- Observed target speed of 130 km/h, patrol speed of 106 km/h
- (Not sure what next line says)
- Tracked target motor vehicle to lane 2 at 127 km/h, then 122 and 116 km/h
- I slowed to get target motor vehicle to pass, then activated reds and stopped same motor vehicle
- Advised driver of speed, driver said "I was at 115"
- I advised driver she is correct, she did slow to 116, and I provided tracking speed
- Next line I'm not sure of... but the end has "1 male passenger"... unsure of the rest...
- Road flat, straight and dry
- Genesis II directional (serial number), tested per manufacturer's instructions
The components required for conviction have been made out, if the testing of the device was done correctly. Did they provide the Genesis II manual to you?
http://www.OntarioTicket.com OR http://www.OHTA.ca
I tried to anti-alias the notes and bring up the res:

"The hardest thing to explain is the obvious"
Ontario Traffic Ticket | Ontario Highway Traffic Act
- hwybear
- High Authority
- Posts: 2934
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- Location: In YOUR rearview mirror!
Radar Identified wrote:What I can gather from the notes (perhaps hwybear or OPS Copper can correct my mistakes):
- Patrol highway 401 westbound west of Toronto Road in lane 3.
- Observed Target Motor Vehicle (TMV) in lane 1 at high rate of speed (HRS)
- I activated rear antenna
- Observed target speed of 130 km/h, patrol speed of 106 km/h
- doppler patrol increase, confirm and same (possible?)
- Tracked target motor vehicle to lane 2 at 127 km/h, then 122 and 116 km/h
- I slowed to get target motor vehicle to pass, then activated reds and stopped same motor vehicle
- Advised driver of speed, driver said "I was at 115"
- I advised driver she is correct, she did slow to 116, and I provided tracking speed
- Next line I'm not sure of... but the end has "1 male passenger"... unsure of the rest... (traffic medium/light overcast, 1 female and male passenger) (possibly?)- Road flat, straight and dry
- Genesis II directional (serial number), tested per manufacturer's instructions
- Reflections
- High Authority
- Posts: 1489
- Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:49 pm
- Location: somewhere in traffic
Sorry but it will take a lot to get out of this one.....
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