
This Is Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author: Off_Camber

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This Is Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unread post by Off_Camber »

you all remember my speeding ticket which was appealed for the fine error?

I just got stopped at the Thickson Rd weigh scale and was advised my licence was under suspension during a level 1 inspection.

first off--- i went to Edward St to pay the fine on Sept 1 2009.

then proceeded to Old City Hall to file my appeal, which the certificate was quashed at my hearing on Dec 15 2009.

well I find out my licence is suspended because i didnt pay the fine.

DFCC says im in default of the fine.

I called the MTO Driver Control Office and my licence is suspended due to the fine is unpaid.

this is absolutely ridiculous as i paid the fine to do the appeal, and as a matter of fact THEY OWE ME $160 for the ticket being quashed on appeal.

now im playing phone tag with the court office, the appeals court and DFCC :evil:

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Re: This Is Unbelievable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unread post by Reflections »

Off_Camber wrote:you all remember my speeding ticket which was appealed for the fine error?

I just got stopped at the Thickson Rd weigh scale and was advised my licence was under suspension during a level 1 inspection.

first off--- i went to Edward St to pay the fine on Sept 1 2009.

then proceeded to Old City Hall to file my appeal, which the certificate was quashed at my hearing on Dec 15 2009.

well I find out my licence is suspended because i didnt pay the fine.

DFCC says im in default of the fine.

I called the MTO Driver Control Office and my licence is suspended due to the fine is unpaid.

this is absolutely ridiculous as i paid the fine to do the appeal, and as a matter of fact THEY OWE ME $160 for the ticket being quashed on appeal.

now im playing phone tag with the court office, the appeals court and DFCC :evil:

Record any lost time at work and send them the bill. Their mistake, their pocket. OR
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Unread post by Off_Camber »

i would then be resorted to filing legal action--right?

this is pathetic.

im just waiting to hear i have to pay $150 to the MTO for a reinstatement fee :roll:

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Unread post by Radar Identified »

Off Camber wrote:i would then be resorted to filing legal action--right?

I've heard of a lot of bureaucratic incompetence but this is beyond ridiculous.

Last edited by Radar Identified on Thu Feb 04, 2010 2:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by Marquisse »

What a nightmare. :shock:

Do you still have all of the paperwork for your trial including the payment you did make in September '09? I don't know what to do, honestly, except bring it to the requisite enforcement agencies and show them the paperwork at the weight stations (I don't even know if they'd know what to look at or if they would not care and still say you're license was suspended and therefore you are in violation). I'd probably go down to the offices and show them the error, or go straight to MTO, call the courts and speak to the prosecutor who handled your case, then go down to the court clerks, etc. I would file a claim for lost time/money as well as this sounds like a few days' worth of phonecalls and court/city hall/ministry office/police detachment visits.

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Unread post by hwybear »

Marquisse wrote: I don't know what to do, honestly, except bring it to the requisite enforcement agencies and show them the paperwork at the weight stations (I don't even know if they'd know what to look at or if they would not care and still say you're license was suspended and therefore you are in violation).

It is not an enforcement issue (which the MTO TIS/police). This will have to be ironed out at an MTO licencing office/court house.

I personally would start at the court house. Court would be the ones that would send the MTO the info of non-payment and MTO would then subsequently suspend, based on court house document(s).

Above is merely a suggestion/thought and in no way constitutes legal advice or views of my employer.
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