
Improper Left Turn - Wrong Hta Code

Author: dp88

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Improper Left Turn - Wrong Hta Code

Unread post by dp88 »

I received a ticket last August for "improper left turn" and just got the notice for a court date last month. I was turning left from Harbour Street (East bound) onto Yonge Street (North bound) in Toronto and did so from the middle lane which, for as long as I have known, has been legal. They just changed the rules so that you can no longer turn onto Yonge from that lane and instead have to go over 2 lanes to the far left in heavy traffic with 185 metres to do it.

Aside from the fact that this change has made in incredibly stressful and dangerous to drive through that area, the officer who pulled me over wrote on my ticket "improper left turn", but put according to HTA 144 (6) which is failure to stop or something like that. Improper left turn is actually HTA 141 (9) if my research is correct. The notice that they sent me for my court date also says HTA 144 (6) - failure to stop etc etc.

What are my chances for winning this case? Can it be dismissed altogether because of the mistake?

Any insight on this would be very much appreciated.

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Re: Improper Left Turn - Wrong Hta Code

Unread post by ough46 »

I too received a ticket for doing the same thing.. although officer has quoted 141(6)

I intend to fight it in court.

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Joined: Tue Aug 03, 2010 12:46 pm

Left Turn Trap

Unread post by SantaC »

I got the same ticket. I don't have a scheduled court date yet but I intend to fight it. To those who will be going to court sooner, please share with us any information you feel will help us. Thnx.

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