Here is how to get your drivers licence back.
The fines never go away. If you continue to drive you risk the chance of getting stopped and charged with Driving While Suspended by the police. If you are charged with this you can go to jail for 6 months. Also if you get into an accident you have no insurance, and risk getting sued, it just gets worse.
The thing to do is to start paying the fines. You can go on a payment plan and pay about $100 per month to the court and they will give you your licence back. You have to do a "Motion to Extend the time to pay a fine". The court will want a down payment on the fines of about 10%.
Then if you want you can appeal the fines and ask for the judge to reduce the amount of the fine. In the meantime you get your licence back, and you dont put your self at further risk by driving under suspension.
You can either do this process yourself or any competent paralegal can do this for you.
- as with any legal issue - speak to someone who has training and experience, there is a reason why we hire professionals in Ontario, e.g dentists, accountants, carpenters, gas installers. Yes you might be able to do these jobs, but it makes sense to have it done properly...