
Notice Of Trial

Author: realking

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Notice Of Trial

Unread post by realking »

Hello everyone. I have a question regarding my notice of trial. This is my first time going to court

I've got court tomorrow. The ticket issued is "Fail to surrender permit vehicle contrary to the HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT section 7( 5) (a).

I got pulled over in car which wasnt under my name. Officer pulled me over and said the sticker on the plate was expired (which it was) I was not aware since it was not my vehicle (he told me since it wasnt my car he wouldnt deduct any points) So when i told my friend he got a plate sticker the next day.

a few questions;

1) Should i plead not guilty? if so what would i argue

2) On the notice of trial the timing is incorrect I got pulled over at 12 a.m not p.m (would this little detail get me off?) if so how would i argue it?

3) can i ask the prosecutor, if the officer is in court?

also i will be going to york civic centre on eglinton ave in toronto, ontario not sure if that makes a difference

Thanks in advance

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Unread post by FyreStorm »

As the driver of a motor vehicle you are responsible to make sure you have the required documents to operate the vehicle and that you sticker is up to date there isn't much of an arguement there.

As for the time, I would speak to the prosecutor...they do have the ability to amend the ticket per R. v. Winslow which is the authority on amending tickets before the court.

If your record is clean, I would speak to the prosecutor see what they can do for you...

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Unread post by Radar Identified »

I think FyreStorm pretty much covered it...

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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Unread post by hwybear »

Radar Identified wrote:I think FyreStorm pretty much covered it...

+ 1

PLUS ....many forget...when you RENT a vehicle - should always check for ownership and valid insurance card.....the rental agreement does not cut it

Above is merely a suggestion/thought and in no way constitutes legal advice or views of my employer.
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