
Ticket But Not In My Car

Author: siriusone

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Ticket But Not In My Car

Unread post by siriusone »

I just got a ticket but I wasn't in my car at the time. It was last night outside a bar. My car was taken and the dude smashed into a pole. The police came and arrested me for it. Said something about me being in possesion three hours before. I don't understand it what can I do?

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Unread post by FyreStorm »

Well, go to your first appearance date, request full disclosure.

They must have witnesses, cause had they witnessed it they would have likely arrested you right away.

In essence find out what the evidence is...

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Unread post by Radar Identified »

I'd definitely seek professional legal advice. By the way, what were you charged with?

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Unread post by siriusone »

A guy who was there with his friends said he saw ME get out of the car....but his friends said they didn't see anything other than me walking back from the scene. I had ran after the car and I have at least three witnesses to this fact. Also I had phoned for a ride home as I didnt want to drive... so I have a witness there.

I was charged with Impaired Driving and Misleading police. This is so wrong.

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Unread post by FyreStorm »

Being charged can be unfortunate, but is it wrong?

Wrong is being convicted for something you didn't do...if the police had an eyewitness, even a mistaken one, and didn't pursue their duties, that would be wrong too?

It's unfortunate that you find yourself in this predicament, get a lawyer...and best of luck. The truth generally has a way of working it's way out...

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Unread post by hwybear »

These are both Criminal Offences (not a ticket) and therefore you should seek a lawyer.

this thread will be locked due to Criminal Offences.

Please feel free to post any HTA and other Provincial Offences questions, unrelated to this incident on another thread.

Above is merely a suggestion/thought and in no way constitutes legal advice or views of my employer.
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