Earth Day...
Totally off topic...but 830 to 930 pm tonight...
I'll give that a miss. I don't see the point, the earth is being bombed in all corners. I doubt a little less hydro is going to make any difference for one hour.
We'd be better off observing it in mid-summer. In any case I keep a low power profile.. AC only gets turned on when the daily highs top 35, I don't leave any lights running (even though none of my bulbs runs more than 23W of juice), desktop computers aren't used in this house, my car has a diesel 4-banger under the hood and I take the bike whenever practical. Add being anal-retentive about recycling and hazardous waste disposal, you'll see this as a very Earth-friendly household. Hell, I wear my clothes until they start falling apart and then they turn into chain-cleaning rags which get disposed with my used motor-oil
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Speaking of the earth and hours, I read recently that they did a study in one of the states that's recently gone to daylight savings time (they didn't observe it before). I think Indiana. The result being that it actually caused more electricity usage. The reason being that, unlike when DST was first introduced, we are now in a world where almost every house has a power-hungry air conditioner and longer evenings mean longer evenings of AC running at home.
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