
Wrong Name On Court Date Letter

Author: Shuen

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Wrong Name On Court Date Letter

Unread post by Shuen »

In a nutshell.

1. Received a speeding ticket

2. Requested a trial

3. Received 'Trial Letter' and date in the mail, however the WRONG name was printed. The name transposed from the citation was incorrect.

4. Because the letter was addressed to the 'wrong' person I did not go.

5. Later received the, "You did not show up in court" so you have to pay letter; addressed to the SAME WRONG person.


Was I obligated to show up to court if my name was wrong? What is the next step?

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Unread post by FyreStorm »

If they have your proper driver's licence number you've now created yourself a real headache...Yes, you should have gone, now if by virtue of your DL# you become a suspended driver, you can have your car towed and spend countless hours re-opening this case to get the conviction off your record...

Your decision to ignore the court summons was poorly thought out...

Your best bet, go down to the court office and get this thing reopened so you can get it off your record.

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Unread post by Radar Identified »

Shuen wrote:Received 'Trial Letter' and date in the mail, however the WRONG name was printed. The name transposed from the citation was incorrect.

How "incorrect" was it? Was it off by one or two letters, or was the entire name completely wrong?

Either way, call the courthouse and get this situation resolved. Even if your name was incorrect, they'll figure it out sooner or later. The only time "ignoring" a ticket/court date should ever be used is if it is a part 1 proceeding and the ticket (not the court summons, the ticket) has a glaring fatal error.

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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