
Open Alcohol In The Vehicle, Driver Not Drinking. Help.

Author: ejardin

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Open Alcohol In The Vehicle, Driver Not Drinking. Help.

Unread post by ejardin »

This weekend I was driving up to a cottage and the other passengers in the vehicle opened beers while I was driving, against my protests. I have two questions.

1) What could have happened to ME if we were pulled over?

2) What could have happened to the passengers that were drinking (all of them exept me).

I'm really angry about the situation as they claimed I was immune to any fines or charges. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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Unread post by hwybear »

Both driver and passengers could be issued an offence notice


Driving a motor vehicle with liquor readily available (approx $205 fine)

Each Passenger

1) Having liquor in open container in other than licensed premises, residence or private place ($125)


2) Consuming liquor in other than licensed premises, residence or private place ($125)


In future, "trunk" all the alcohol to prevent your pals from opening up, thus protecting yourself from getting an offence notice and since it is motor vehicle related it will go on the driving record.

Above is merely a suggestion/thought and in no way constitutes legal advice or views of my employer.
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