Careless Driving, Fail To Report, Fail To Remain
Got all 3 at once and court date for June 2010 in downtown Toronto.
Accident: I got a green light and after 100m guy cut my line ( I was in the middle line) almost causing total wreck. I've stopped my car on the side of his car and asked him if he is crazy or what? He didn't respond at all looked drunk or high. So I left the scene (didn't know that's against the law). When I was leaving I made mistake non- intentional (scratched his left mirror and car .....minor scratch)... remember his car was inside of my line angle of 45 degrees . Im from Europe and small scratch is not accident there and I assumed this was nothing not even the accident. I was wrong.
Guy filed a report, claimed that I broke his mirror ... a lie. My girlfriend was in a car and she also testified in front of the 2 police detectives and she will testify in court.
I have a CLEAN record here (3 years) , clean US record( 4 years). What should I do?
Please help...