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What Are My Chances Against The Moe?
Hey all,
Have a court date coming up next week against the Ministy of the Environment & was wondering if anyone has any advice or had any dealings with them before.
They seem pretty strict (& power hungry) & I wanted to see if anyone has fought this charge before & won? This is actually my second run in with them, (didn't know better the first time & pleaded guilty)
I was charged under the Environmental protection Act sect 7 (3) Reg 361/98 Operate a Motor vehicle that contravenes emissions standards. This happened back in March & I had a trial sheduled In August by it was adjourned due to the prosecutor not providing disclosure when I requested it.
I have been following & adapting info from ticketcombat the best I can & also filed a Form 4f notice of constitutional question (although I'm not sure how well that's going to fly with the justice)
Last week Friday, I recieved the disclosure & it was actually quite well laid out & complete. (however, how much time should the prosecutor allow for me to review before a trial? It seems quite close to the court date to be recieving it.)
I'm not sure how much I should let out online, but I plan to fight the charges with the 4f under the grounds that I had been singled out purely based on the fact I drive a older car, & this violates section 15 (1) of my charter rights.
If that doesn't work, My aim is toward the fact that the officer who inspected my vehicle, was not the one who wrote the ticket. The one who wrote it, never checked the car over.
Do these seem like strong enough arguments? Do I have anything in my favor against these guys?
As a car enthusiast, they really get on my nerves, many of the older cars they fine are currently running cleaner now than when new, reguardless of what emissions component are present or not as they have been modified to be much more efficient machines. They don't take into account the modern technolodgy that has been used, all they are interested in seeing is if such & such part came on the car, it's still on the car.
Any & all comments are appreciated.