Fail To Yield To Traffic On Through Highway (collision)
I have just got a ticket (Fail to yield on through highway) and by the way it's me first ticket and this is how I got it.
Me driving in a residential neighborhood maybe 10-15 km/h approaching a stop sign completely stopped at the stop sign started moving again turning right and out of nowhere I was hit by this van. he went directly to the driver's side fender,wheel, and bumper. Since it was my first accident and my truck wasn't drivable i called the cops and when she arrived she gave me a fail to yield ticket 136 (1) (b) because the other guy had the right of way and no stop signs on his way. I told her i understand that but we are three adults in the car and nobody saw this guy coming i'm sure he was speeding she told me do you have a radar to prove that he was speeding.
so my question is can I or would I fight this ticket?? the only thing I care about is my points now because everything went through insurance already.
Please help and sorry for the long story
Thanks for your cooperation