
Attempted Car Theft

Author: neileaque

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Attempted Car Theft

Unread post by neileaque »

A City man who heard his car alarm going off early Fri chased low the venture, who turned on him with a knife.

Police got the 911 call active 1:20 a.m. The verbalizer reported a body on the curtilage of Byrd Middle School, located at 7502 E 57th Street.

Police arrived on the surroundings but didn't see anyone there.

Presently, they conventional additional calls informing them that a harmful victim had called for help from his home nearby.

The victim, whose name police have not released, told them that he had awoken to the sound of his car alarm.

He said he ran outside, and when the litigant ran off, he gave chase.

He caught up with the apprent thief at the school, and the two struggled. The litigant produced a knief and stabbed the man.

The harmful victim told police that he beat his assailant after the stabbing, and left him lying on the schoolhouse grounds.

However, police couldnot find the suspect.

EMSA took the victim to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries.


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Unread post by beleafer81 »

Wow your spelling is horible. Obviously not from any verifiable source. Looks like a spammer to me!

Do the letters F, O, mean anything to you?

It's not what you know, it's what you can prove - Alonzo Harris (Denzel Washington) in Training Day
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