Tv Operating In Front Seat - Section 78(2)
Dec 13/07 I do a favour for a friend and drive his pickup truck home. Head up the 400 and exit for home. I notice a line of cars on the ramp waiting to go through a spotcheck and I take my place in line. While I'm waiting the radio is playing music and the video screen is in some sort of option mode waiting for a prompt. (The volume and video screen had remained unchanged since I started the truck.) After a few minutes the officer signalled me to drive forward, I did so while lowering my window. As he approached I reached to lower the radio volume. I lowered the volume but I also unknowingly hit a button that changes the video screen. The screen changed from the option mode to a mostly snowy TV screen. I was asked the standard questions, gave satisfactory answers and was thanked for my time. Just as I was stepping on the gas I heard the officer call out for me to stop which I immediately did. He approached the vehicle and asked if I was watching TV while driving. I said no and explained what happened seconds earlier. I was then told to pull over and pass over my license. While waiting a few different officers came by the truck making cracks about watching TV and that I was in serious trouble. One even said that if I had not signalled when I was pulled over he would have taken the truck saying it would have proven watching TV was distracting me while driving. I phoned my friend, got instruction how to turn off unit so that was no longer an issue. After waiting for at least 30 minutes not knowing where the officer who took my license went he finally returned to give me a ticket for 110.00 and mentioned something about seeing me in court. I went home, looked up the charge and nearly dropped over when I saw it was a 6 point offence!
I have a court date of oct 13 and will be defending myself. I've never done it before and would appreciate any advice anyone has.