
Wrong Way On A One Way To Avoid A Group Fighting On Road

Author: paramedic2010

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Wrong Way On A One Way To Avoid A Group Fighting On Road

Unread post by paramedic2010 »

i got a ticket for turning the wrong way on a one way street. the problem is there was a group of 30 plus people fighting in the middle of the road. i had my wife and kids the vehicle at the time. i turned the wrong way to avoid these people as well a keep my family safer as the group was heading towards my car. my question is do you think it is in my best interest to fight this ticket given the curcumstances. i tried pleading with the officer and explaining the situation but he wanted nothing to do with my series of events even though he was responding to that call. i know this because i had a scanner going as he was pulling up to myself.

please someone help me

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Unread post by FyreStorm »

You broke the law, you knew the risks and chose to risk getting a ticket, you got the it, move on...

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Unread post by Radar Identified »

paramedic2010 wrote:my question is do you think it is in my best interest to fight this ticket given the curcumstances.

Choose option 3 (trial). If you have a good explanation for the Prosecutor (which, it sounds like you do), they might withdraw the charge. You could also plea-bargain to a lesser infraction, if nothing else. Of course, you'd have to schedule a trial (not really a big deal) and go from there. Let us know what you decide to do.

If you're not comfortable with court proceedings, you could also consult a paralegal for help.

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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Unread post by beleafer81 »

FyreStorm wrote:You broke the law, you knew the risks and chose to risk getting a ticket, you got the it, move on...

Really? If the OP is being 100% honest, that sounds like a dangerous situation that I would like to keep my family and my shiny car out of, exiting whatever way I could. Wouldn't you?

However I wonder why the cop gave him a ticket. Was the situation not as bad as portrayed by the OP? Or maybe he was driving the wrong way in a way that inhibited the responding officers. If it was a 30 person fight in the middle of the road and the OP had distanced himself and continued to safely back up until he reached a side road or other exit, any reasonable cop wouldn't have issued a ticket. This makes me wonder. however if there is any merrit to the story whatsoever than he may have a good case in court.

It's not what you know, it's what you can prove - Alonzo Harris (Denzel Washington) in Training Day
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