
Yay First Ticket /sarcasm

Author: everythingred

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Yay First Ticket /sarcasm

Unread post by everythingred »

Coming back from a crappy weekend in Montreal and got booked in Cornwall, ON for going 120km/h in a 100km/h zone.

Traffic was moving at 110km/h and everyone was passing a truck and when it was my turn it was uphill so I had to speed up a bit and as soon as I got over I was pulled to the side by a police officer using a radar gun.

I wish I could fight this but on the back of the ticket it says I would have to go to trial in Cornwall which is nearly impossible because I live in the GTA. Is there any way I can fight the ticket in a courthouse here?

The officer also told me I get 3 points taken away, how long are they gone for?


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everythingred wrote:Is there any way I can fight the ticket in a courthouse here?

Short answer: No.

If you can't make it to Cornwall but want to fight the ticket, or get it reduced, you can always hire a paralegal to do that for you.

everythingred wrote:The officer also told me I get 3 points taken away, how long are they gone for?

Two years. Technically, though, they aren't "taken away." You start with 0 demerit points, and points get added. At 6 points, you get a letter from MTO warning you to watch your driving habits. At 15, you're looking at a possible licence suspension.

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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Unread post by everythingred »

As I was looking at the ticket today, the officer made a mistake on it. Instead of writing F he wrote E (definite mistake), and under Sect. where it should say 128, it looks like 123. The first one is almost definite, how can I show this to the court?

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Need Help With Court Date

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I have a court date coming up (Jan 11) and it is in Cornwall, Ontario. I am from Mississauga and it is a 5 hour drive and I have university classes on that day so I don't know how I can make it. I called the court house and the clerk told me to write a letter to the justice and she said "ok?" and hung up. Can anyone help me by telling me how do I write this letter? Is there any way I can not attend and instead submit my written defence? I can't see how I can make it to Cornwall during the school year. Thank you.

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Re: Yay First Ticket /sarcasm

Unread post by Radar Identified »

Never heard of a "Letter to the Justice" before.

You cannot really submit a written defence, either. You'll need someone to attend court - either yourself, or someone on your behalf. The only way I can see this working is if you hired a paralegal.

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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