
How To Tell If My Ticket Was Quashed? (i Ignored It)

Author: jayjonbeach

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How To Tell If My Ticket Was Quashed? (i Ignored It)

Unread post by jayjonbeach »

Hello all. Thanks to the Ticket Combat site and this site I found out my ticket had the wrong set fine amount and by ignoring it, it should hopefully be quashed.

15 days was up on Saturday, so now I wonder how do I tell if it was or not and when would it likely happen?

Should I just call the court house maybe on Thursday? Would rather not have to pull an abstract.

From my understanding if they wrongly put it through I will have only 15 days to appeal it after the conviction so I don't want to wait to long.

I was going 101 in a 70, and the officer used the set fine amount as though I got caught with Photo Radar(schedule C) instead of him pulling me over (schedule B), something like 116.25 versus 182 something.

TIA for any help.

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Re: How To Tell If My Ticket Was Quashed? (i Ignored It)

Unread post by hwybear »

your ticket should have been 31 over x $6 per km over = $186 plus surcharge on top (think its $40 of top my head) for $226 total

Above is merely a suggestion/thought and in no way constitutes legal advice or views of my employer.
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Re: How To Tell If My Ticket Was Quashed? (i Ignored It)

Unread post by Radar Identified »

As hwybear says, set fine should've been $186, total payable of $226.00. Photo radar set fine, as you indicated, is $116.25, total payable $146.25. So, if the officer wrote $116.25 in the set fine box, the ticket should be quashed.

If 15 days was up on Saturday, you've got a long way to go before this ticket gets before a JP. You've got at least 30 more days before the court system will do something with it. They don't immediately sent it to a JP at 15 days. Chances are, it will be 2+ months before something is done. Then, you have 30 days after the date of conviction to file an appeal. I'd wait until at least 60 days after the date of offence before calling the courts.

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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Re: How To Tell If My Ticket Was Quashed? (i Ignored It)

Unread post by jayjonbeach »

Okay thanks. Thats what I wasnt sure about, whether or not I had 15 days from now (you say 30) or whether it is from the date the WRONGLY convict me, if they do.

So I guess I'll wait until something shows up in the mail or nothing shows up in 45 days and maybe call then.

I just don't want to miss my chance to appeal for sure.

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