Actually, at FOUR demerit points, as a G2 driver, your licence gets suspended for 30 days automatically.
Demerit points do not get applied to your licence until after you get convicted of an offence. That will not occur until your trial date for this offence. I'm going to assume that, by now, you've recovered your car from the impound lot. You'll still have to pay the $150 licence reinstatement fee for the administrative 7-day suspension of your licence that occured when you got your car seized.
What I would suggest you do is get a paralegal to represent you. Nine demerit points for a G2 driver is quite serious, and with a Stunt Driving conviction on your record, with a G2 licence, it is quite possible that your insurance company will terminate your coverage. At that point, you'll be looking at Facility Insurance (which is for high risk drivers), which is $12K+ per year. You need to do everything reasonably possible to get the charge reduced.
* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR