Your word that you were not speeding is not likely to be sufficient. (As in, I haven't heard of any case where someone testifying "I wasn't speeding" vs. the officer's "the driver was speeding" with all of the evidence, has led to an acquittal.)
You have to go to court anyway, so you may as well file a disclosure request and get the officer's notes and a copy of the radar or laser manual. From there, you can figure out if there's an avenue of defence. (We can help you in that regard.) Alternatively, you can hire a paralegal or lawyer. Generally, though, if you have a reasonable driving record, the Prosecutor will offer a plea-bargain to a lesser speed.
stormsam wrote:When i passed the officer I looked at my odometer and I was only doing 64.
The officer did not take the speed reading when you passed him. He likely zapped your vehicle with radar or laser about 500 metres to 1 kilometre before you passed him. When you are just going by the officer, it is too late for them to activate the speed-measuring device and get an accurate reading. They do it much earlier, often well before you see them.
* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR