
Two Cars Pulling Out Of A Parking Space Right By Eachother.

Author: Omega_Gin

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Two Cars Pulling Out Of A Parking Space Right By Eachother.

Unread post by Omega_Gin »

Today after I left the gym I was making a left out of a parking space. I checked both ways and proceeded to go, I only pulled a little bit out of the parking spot, slowly of course cause it was a small crowded parking lot. As I was pulling out, another car about 3 spaces down (So two between us) to my right started pulling out at the same time as I did, but came out very fast and was turning left, so the same way I was. I stop of course, he had plenty of room in front of me to go but he stopped and waited till I went. He didn't honk or anything cause I was not on his side or anything. It would have just been easier if he has of just gone rather then have just sat there but whatever. I find this annoying because you can start pulling out then someone else starts pulling out such as what happened with me and they both or one of them has to stop. IDK, would you have failed your road test for this?
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Re: Two Cars Pulling Out Of A Parking Space Right By Eachoth

Unread post by Stanton »

The Highway Traffic Act doesn't cover parking lots so there isn't really any enforceable law that covers the scenario. I was under the impression that road tests take place strictly on roadways anyway, so I don't think you'd even run into that scenario.

If you were actually involved in an accident under those circumstances in a parking lot, Insurance Fault Rules would take over. They state that the person leaving a parking spot would be at fault. So technically if the other driver had already pulled out of his spot and was in the laneway while you were still pulling out of yours, you'd be at fault.

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Re: Two Cars Pulling Out Of A Parking Space Right By Eachoth

Unread post by Omega_Gin »

Stanton wrote:The Highway Traffic Act doesn't cover parking lots so there isn't really any enforceable law that covers the scenario. I was under the impression that road tests take place strictly on roadways anyway, so I don't think you'd even run into that scenario.

If you were actually involved in an accident under those circumstances in a parking lot, Insurance Fault Rules would take over. They state that the person leaving a parking spot would be at fault. So technically if the other driver had already pulled out of his spot and was in the laneway while you were still pulling out of yours, you'd be at fault.

Ya I know I'd be a fault in that situation, but we both began pulling out at the same time. I saw that he was coming out faster than what was safe too, so I stop. My car would not even be more then a few feet out from the parking spot, so I was far from on his side, he could of kept going cause I stopped long before him and there we no cars parked in the spots in front of us. I'm just confused as to why he stopped when I stopped as he was still pulling out. I was looking right at the guy. He stopped and just sat there.
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Re: Two Cars Pulling Out Of A Parking Space Right By Eachoth

Unread post by Radar Identified »

He probably stopped because he was giving way for you to pull out (being a nice guy). Either that, or he was a clueless moron. (More likely he was being a nice guy... here in Toronto I'd say it's an 80% chance he'd be in the "moron" category, or a 110% chance in Brampton.)

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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Re: Two Cars Pulling Out Of A Parking Space Right By Eachoth

Unread post by Omega_Gin »

Radar Identified wrote:He probably stopped because he was giving way for you to pull out (being a nice guy). Either that, or he was a clueless moron. (More likely he was being a nice guy... here in Toronto I'd say it's an 80% chance he'd be in the "moron" category, or a 110% chance in Brampton.)

That's what I figured, I thought either that or he was a moron. I'm from Collingwood so its not all that crzy, though there are still a lot of morons.
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