Ontario Ticket Types Question-possibly Issued On Wrong Form?
I read the general section covering types of traffic tickets under:
How to Defend Yourself against a Traffic Ticket in Ontario Canada
Determining what type of ticket you have received is the first step in defending yourself against a traffic ticket in Ontario Canada. The two types of tickets are the Violation Ticket given for minor traffic violations such as speeding and the other is the Offense Notice issued for non-moving violations such as wrongful parking.
To dispute an Offense Notice, one must go to the courthouse and follow the procedure outlined by the clerk. An investigation form must berequested from the clerk, the form lays out the reason for the dispute. The Head Commissionaire is in charge of deciding if the offense of notice was properly given or not. If this does not go in your favor, one can request a hearing, which will be held in traffic court, to further dispute the Offense Notice.
Sorry, but this got me confused, never really had to deal with tickets other then one parking ticket. I received a ticket under 154(1)(a), unsafe lane change. The ticket was issued in Ottawa and bears a heading called Offence Notice. But it seems that this is a moving violation type of offence so was a wrong form used to generate this ticket? The options on the reverse are typical 1-plead of guilty voluntary payment, 2-plead of guilty, submission to peanalty, 3- trial option. This suggests that it is a Violation ticket even though it bears a heading of Offence Notice.
Thanks in advance for clarifying it for me.
Re: Ontario Ticket Types Question-possibly Issued On Wrong F
That wording is a little confusing. You did receive your ticket on the correct form, as traffic tickets are known as offence notices and say so right on the top. They're what's known as a Part I form, whereas parking tickets are issued on different forms known as Part II's.
Below is a link to a Ministry page with what a regular traffic ticket should look like:
http://www.ofm.gov.on.ca/en/Fire%20Serv ... 9-04at.aspRe: Ontario Ticket Types Question-possibly Issued On Wrong F
Thank you, that clarifies it. The form is correct.
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