
Up The Creek Without A Paddle.

Author: olegs69

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Up The Creek Without A Paddle.

Unread post by olegs69 »

Well folks.

I got two tickets June 25th of this year.

"Disobey Sign"

"Fail to have Insurance Card"

I totally forgot about the tickets. :shock:

I only remembered about the tickets this morning when I was cleaning up a pile of papers.

I am unsure if I was convicted or not.

Can section 85 of the POA help me in any way?

Courts of Justice Act?


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Re: Up The Creek Without A Paddle.

Unread post by olegs69 »

In addition to this. At the time that I received the tickets I was going through a labour dispute with my employer. They were threatening termination. I lost a lucrative posting with excellent day hours and the potential for employment with a large reputable bank. All this is documented. I also have an audio recording of the employer threatening me with termination.

I was moved to night shifts with a lower pay rate (8pm-4am). The hourly commute is 1.5 hours one way by bus.

This also put strain on my 9-5 position with another employer. I started drinking significantly as well. Sometimes 8 beers in one day.

I can substantiate all this, but I don't know how useful this is. Anybody have any case law on section 85 appeals?

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Simon Borys
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Re: Up The Creek Without A Paddle.

Unread post by Simon Borys »

I don't think s. 85 is applicable to your case. What are you asking for an extension of time for? To pick one of the options on your ticket? That ship has sailed if you've already been convicted - which you need to call the court to find out. If you have, you can apply to have the ticket re-opened. You can cite the reasons you provided, but I don't think they'll be of much help as they don't absolve you of your responsibility to deal with your ticket and certainly they'd be of no use to you in defence of your charges.

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