
Failure To Stop For A School Bus

Author: KGBP12

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Joined: Sat May 08, 2010 1:17 am

Re: Failure To Stop For A School Bus

Unread post by KGBP12 »

Was yours out on Highway 10 in Caledon too?

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Re: Failure To Stop For A School Bus

Unread post by daxter10 »

No this was on coleraine dr in bolton, so caledon as well. The cop that stop me is such a regular every paralegal i called or xcopper knew who this cop was by name and is a regular with this offences. Even my father in law got hit with the same thing. Well now is time to drive like a granny with this 6 demerit points they took out and my insurance probably going to skyrocket.

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Re: Failure To Stop For A School Bus

Unread post by elechunli »

what happened in the court? what evidence you saw from the cop?

daxter10 wrote:At least you got something. Just came from court too, the prosecution didn't even offer anything and on top of that they increased the fine :evil: . Was pretty much convicted before I even started. Its ridiculous how they are able to get away with this. For anybody that is also going through this fight as much as you can, the cop and judge will have to mess up sometimes so at least some of us wont get screwed.
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