

Author: Reflections

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Radar Identified
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Unread post by Radar Identified »

Just a couple of thoughts, as far as speed tolerance. Here in Toronto, up until very recently, OPP wouldn't stop you unless you were going over 130, sometimes considerably faster. The ones who patrol the 416 start pulling drivers over at 125 km/h.

Toronto Police, unless it was Traffic Services, usually gave drivers 25-30 over. Traffic Services seemed to pull people over at 20+, same for the Ottawa Police, on city streets. Windsor will stop you at 10 over.

Saturday and Sunday, WTF. Lets drive whatever speed we want, in whichever lane we want and throw out all the courtesies from the week. I'm willing to put money on the fact that on a per day basis, there are more accidents on the weekend then on weekdays, mostly due to the fact that people who don't drive very often are out on the roads.

"Sunday drivers." Aaaarrrggghhhh!!!! :x :x :x :x :x

One of the rules I always follow is "Keep right except to pass." It's not that hard. In fact, it's more difficult to stay left. You are more likely to become involved in a collision when you're travelling in the left lane, for numerous reasons... but that's a different topic.

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Unread post by hwybear »

Reflections wrote:4-series highways, 20 over in the left lane is normal.

That is NOT normal in the area I patrol. I just finished 4 shifts (2 days, 2 nights). I think I stopped 10-15 in that time (48hrs) traveling greater than 20 above the speed limit. I had A LOT of sitting and waiting, even on nights sitting in the centre median in darkness....and NO, my eyes were not shut, keep them open, don't want my boston cream to ooze all over :wink:

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Unread post by hwybear »

Reflections wrote:So, if an officer wants to drive the limit in the left lane of a 4-series highway, I'll be the first one to call his supervisor with a need for a charge of public mischief.

Public Mischief is misleading a police officer in an investigation.

We also been put under the microscope on our driving. A vast majority of us have changed our ways on enforcement to moving radar using rear antenna. This way we can patrol at the speed limit, let speeders catch us and clock their speed. This reduces our time spent at higher speeds to catch vehicles. 99% of the time people do not even see the cruiser until they are 2-3 car lengths back anyway. Basically once you see the cruiser, it's too late anyway.

Posted signs say MAXIMUM not minimum.

And to take this into a another "lane" of is in fact an offence to drive in the centre lane on a 3 lane hwy.

Last edited by hwybear on Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread post by hwybear »

checked out the links and now need a new smilie...

(head spinning)

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