
49km Over

Author: omtz

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49km Over

Unread post by omtz »

Hi, I was pulled over June of 2010 for speeding 49km over, which I really don't think I was doing, but the officer gave me the ticket 49 over and there is no code of reduced on the ticket either, because he was saying I was doing way more!

I hired a traffic ticket specialist to attend court on my behalf in owen sound, I had court date on sep 2010, few months later i received a letter of conviction for the same amount on the ticket and no reduction, I finally got a hold of the paralegal, he said to pay the ticket and he will appeal it and take it to a higher court or something, since then I have paid the ticket plus $550 to the paralegal, he has done nothing and is not returning my call, which I will deal with later. now my questions is can this case be re opened or appealed? what are my options as my insurance is coming for renewal in the next few months.,


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