
Can Anyone Confirm What This No Parking Sign Means?

Author: crisps

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Can Anyone Confirm What This No Parking Sign Means?

Unread post by crisps »

Hopefully this doesn't sound like too silly of a question.

There are signs like this one all around the side streets near the Toronto East General Hospital at Mortimer/Coxwell. I think they mean you can only park overnight if you have a permit, until 10am, but anyone can park freely after that throughout the day. (except for May, July, Sep, and Nov). I'm just not 100% certain they don't mean you need a permit all the time.

Pkg sign crop.jpg
Pkg sign crop.jpg (54.03 KiB) Viewed 3706 times

I once asked a parking warden who was ticketing cars at the meters along Sammon Ave, but he said he didn't do that part of the area and didn't know for sure what the signs meant (?!)

I usually avoid parking on those streets just because of my doubting suspicious mind, and try and park on Coxwell, but does anyone know if it's for sure ok to park for an hour or two on those signs?

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Re: Can Anyone Confirm What This No Parking Sign Means?

Unread post by admin »

I would interpret it kinda like this:

Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Dec = Parking allowed with Permit only between the hours of 12am to 10am every day in those months only.

May, July, Sept, Nov = No parking allowed at all for those months.

I never seen those signs before, but damn thats confusing.

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Re: Can Anyone Confirm What This No Parking Sign Means?

Unread post by daggx »

I'm quite familiar with this area and what you are seeing here are signs for what is called "alternate side of the street parking". Most of the houses in this neighborhood don't have driveways and it was decided at some point that it was not fair for the houses on one side of the street to always have to put up with large numbers of cars being parked in front of them. So they alternate, some months you are allowed to park on one side of the street other months you have to park on the other side of the street. The green sign is saying that for the months of Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Dec it is ok to park on that side of the street however you need a permit to park between 1201am and 10am. The red sign is saying that for the months of May, July, Sept, Nov you have to park on the other side of the street. If you look on the other side of the street there will be a corresponding green sign that will say that it is ok to park there during the months of May, July, Sept, Nov, although you will need a permit to park between 1201am and 10am. Personally I think it is a needlessly confusing system, but there it is clear as clear as mud :?

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Re: Can Anyone Confirm What This No Parking Sign Means?

Unread post by crisps »

Thanks for the input. I thought I had it right, but it's always nice to have another set of eyes to make sure. I hate that feeling of walking away from the car wondering...

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Re: Can Anyone Confirm What This No Parking Sign Means?

Unread post by Radar Identified »

Jeez with all those signs no wonder people don't obey any of them...

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