Rear Ended A Car At Stoplight In The Rain
On November 14 I was driving along Queen street in Brampton in the rain with snow tires and rear ended a lady in front of me because I could not stop in time. She stopped on a amber light and I was about 6 car lengths behind her doing 50 k. and saw the amber light and her brake lights. I had time to stop and tried braking but couldnt because my car slid. I bumped into her and didnt cause damage except for a scratch on her bumper. My front end got banged up pretty good however and the firetruck and ambulance showed up. We were both ok and then the cop showed up later and asked me what happened. I told him I slid into her because I couldnt stop. He asked if the light was red when I hit her and I said yes by the time I reached her it was but it was amber when she and I attempted to stop. I also told him I was about 6 car lengths behind her when I attempted to stop. He walked away and came back 15 minutes later with a careless driving ticket.
I have a good driving record with no convictions for 3 years and cant afford to have my insurance go up to a crazy level that makes it impossible to afford insurance since its almost to that point now. I have already filed to take the ticket to court and am wondering where I should go from here. All the help that can be offered would be greatly appreciated because I was aware of what was happening but could not stop in time. Given the fact the the winter tires are no good in the rain do I have a chance of using that as a defense at all.