
When Do The Police Call Off A Chase?

Author: puzzled

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When Do The Police Call Off A Chase?

Unread post by puzzled »

Around 3:00 a.m this morning I came off the 404 south onto the 401 west collector lanes. I moved over to the centre lane and had my window open a bit because I was having a cigarette. All of a sudden two lanes over to my left, what appeared to be a Porsche, passed me doing at least 250 k/mh. Just a blip and a roar. I reached for my phone to dial *677, but before I could hit send, and remember this maybe took 10-15 seconds, a Toronto ETF SUV, came flying past me , lights and siren on, but was way behind this car as even I couldn't see his tailights any more. I got off at Yonge and stopped at the light only to find the ETF SUV stopped there too. Smart to call off the chase given the speed of this car. I actually thought he was going to hit another car or crash. Believe me when I say he had to be doing at least 250 k/mh.

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Re: When Do The Police Call Off A Chase?

Unread post by Stanton »

There are no set rules, but police are supposed to constantly weigh the benefit of apprehending the offender versus the risk to public safety. Typically the more serious the offence, the more likely police are to pursue.

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Re: When Do The Police Call Off A Chase?

Unread post by Reflections »

3:00 am = very light traffic, usually..... wonder if air support was available?

Once you got to a built up area though, you did see the pursuit vehicle had stopped... so possibly there lies the answer. OR
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Re: When Do The Police Call Off A Chase?

Unread post by puzzled »

Yes traffic was light, but there were other vehicles on the highway. I imagine they came off the DVP becuase there were no OPP cars assisting and none joined in. I can honestly say I've never seen a car go that fast on the highway as he was just a blip, like a sneeze and then you couldn't even see his tail lights. As for air support possibly they called in the YRP copter.

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Re: When Do The Police Call Off A Chase?

Unread post by Radar Identified »

puzzled wrote:Around 3:00 a.m this morning I came off the 404 south onto the 401 west collector lanes. I moved over to the centre lane and had my window open a bit because I was having a cigarette. All of a sudden two lanes over to my left, what appeared to be a Porsche, passed me doing at least 250 k/mh.

I'm a bit late replying to this thread, but I do believe you. Very late at night, I've seen more than one high-performance vehicle tearing down a Toronto-area highway in the 250 range.

Officer on the Road: "Yeah the guy is going WAY too fast, we'll need air support."

Sergeant: "10-4, we'll call a helicopter."

Officer on the Road: "Uh... helicopter won't do it. We'll need a CF-18."

* The above is NOT legal advice. By acting on anything I have said, you assume responsibility for any outcome and consequences. * OR
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