Drive Motor Vehicle, No Currently Validated Permit Ticket
Just wanted to first say this is a great site and very informative.
I just received a ticket today well 3 tickets..... it all started out with speeding.. I was going 70 in a 60 and they decided to pull me over.
I'm not going to argue that one so much since I was going 70.. i think it was more like 72, but I digress.
When I presented the officer with my ownership etc. he asked where the sticker was on the back. I didn't have it reason being I drive a company lease and had just switched the car in April. My plates had been renewed in September of 2010 and the little sticker he was looking for was on the other ownership green slip.
He gave me a ticket for speeding and then a ticket for driving motor vehicle with no currently validated permit. If I take this to trial will I have a chance in getting this thrown out? It was an honest mistake. I had the proper sticker on my actual plate. The third ticket was because I didn't have my updated insurance slip so he gave me a ticket for that (my own stupidity)
Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated.
- Simon Borys
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Re: Drive Motor Vehicle, No Currently Validated Permit Ticke
The charge of No Currently Validated Permit is correct in situations like this because Regulation 628 s. 6 says: "A permit for a motor vehicle shall be validated by means of evidence of validation provided by the Ministry and affixed in the appropriate space provided on the permit"
That being said, it's a pretty cheesy violation and I think most prosecutors would be loath to proceed with it. If you are looking to plea, they'll probably drop it for the other charges. If you take it to court, no guarantees.
Re: Drive Motor Vehicle, No Currently Validated Permit Ticke
thanks for the reply!
Yes I know I was technically guilty of the said offence but he didn't have to give me the ticket. It was a judgement call and he chose to give me the ticket.
So I might as well go fight all three tickets?
Do you know if the insurance ticket and the permit ticket would affect my insurance? I know that any moving violation ticket, demerit points or not still affect your insurance premiums. Just wondering if those other two do as well?
Again, thanks for your time and knowledge.
Greatly appreciated.
- Simon Borys
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Re: Drive Motor Vehicle, No Currently Validated Permit Ticke
Any ticket can affect your insurance but non-moving violations often less so.
Re: Drive Motor Vehicle, No Currently Validated Permit Ticke
again.. thanks for your help!
have a good one.
- hwybear
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Re: Drive Motor Vehicle, No Currently Validated Permit Ticke
I use "no validation on permit" quite regularily, most often in lieu of a speeding offence which has points.
Re: Drive Motor Vehicle, No Currently Validated Permit Ticke
Hello, I got a warning ticket for this and it bugs me. I had my sticker 2013 in the glove box but I still got the warning. My sticker says Jan2012 on my plate and I had bought the 2013 one but didn't stick it on yet. My b-day was over 1 week ago. Accourding to the traffic act "7(1)a nothing says your plates expire on your b-day just says you need a valide sticker witch according to me I have "Jan2012" but the license bureau will tell you that your sticker expires on you b-day.
Witch one is it?
Re: Drive Motor Vehicle, No Currently Validated Permit Ticke
Which one is what? I don't see a contradiction here. Your valtag expires on your birthday (unless a commercial vehicle), and a new sticker is not valid unless affixed to the plate and vehicle registration, even if you have paid for it already.
Re: Drive Motor Vehicle, No Currently Validated Permit Ticke
burgy wrote:Accourding to the traffic act "7(1)a nothing says your plates expire on your b-day
Not quite true. The section says you need a valid permit, which is defined under the Vehicle Permit section (O Reg 628). That section states that it expires on a specific day, month and year (i.e. a specific day of the month, not the end of the month). So Squishy is correct, it expires on the vehicle owner's birthday, or for commercial vehicles the last day of the month.
And in all fairness, the expiry date is printed right on the front of your ownership, so it's not like the Ministry is trying to hide the fact.
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