
Non Hta Suspentions??

Author: sugarbear187

Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:11 am

Non Hta Suspentions??

Unread post by sugarbear187 »

I have 4 fines left in which i am paying off... dated back to 1997. Two are HTA and the other two are Smoking on school property and tresspassing. Can my licence be suspended for the NON HTA fines? My licence was suspended once... in 2008 for the fines in 1997... it took them that long to suspend me. I pay $50 per month and when i go in to pay the fines... i tell them to put the money on the TRAFFIC fines but that have not been... i asked for a print out yesterday with my fine payment and they would not give it to me. She said " they didnt do that ", Meanwhile i have a whole stack of them because they have been giving me them for the last year i have been paying the fines.. I know she was just pissed because i caught what they were doing. When i went in everytime to pay the fines... I would say " Please put them on my Traffic fines please " but they wont. When i get a printout of my payments... the fines are not listed... just a long number. So yesterday i asked her to identify the fines on the paper... When I started paying the fines i had about 5 HTA an 6 NON HTA. Yesterday when i checked, i have two HTA and two NON HTA left. I just wana pay the HTA fines and not bother with the other two....

Will i lose my licence if i do this???


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